Lose weight with Shakes and Smoothies

Which shakes to choose?

It is important to use those correct shakes for losing weight. Preferably choose a shake that contains all the vitamins and minerals for your daily needs so you do not have to take extra supplements. Popular here are the smoothies with some  superfood added. Eventually you will have to taste something at first to find out what you like.
The difference between shakes and smoothies  is also quite subjective. Traditionally, shakes are seen as pressed or pureed fruit combined with dairy, while smoothies are based on pure mixed fruit and vegetables, both fresh fruit and frozen fruit. Today, however, these terms are often used interchangeably and you have shakes that only consist of fruit and proteins and vice versa you have smoothies that also contain milk or yogurt.

Intake of fluid and proteins

Most shakes for weight loss consist of a  base of proteins . Proteins have the property that they fill your stomach very well, but if you take in proteins without drinking enough water your body will get into trouble. Waste can not be washed away properly and as a result kidney stones candevelop. Because you take the proteins in the form of a shake that also contains a lot of moisture, you largely solve this problem. It is always good to prepare three bottles of water every day with half a liter of water. Drink these bottles of water over the day. This ensures a good distribution of fluid during the day and the most effective absorption of proteins.
If you want to lose weight yourself with the shakes then you can easily obtain proteins online to add to your juices. A good reliable web store that sells proteins is Vitaminstore , for example . Of course you can also buy prepared protein shakes such as those from Easyline .

Sample schedules: how you can lose weight with shakes

You can basically drink the shakes or smoothies at any time of the day, but of course it is better if you distribute the intake well. This way you will also suppress the hunger feeling. Preferably the shakes serve immediately as a replacement for a meal, so losing weight is the fastest. Examples of daily schedules are:
• Three shakes per day, no extra meals - about ten kilos in six weeks.
• Two shakes a day, one regular meal - about ten kilos in three months, depending on what you eat as an ordinary meal.
• One shake a day, two regular meals - about ten kilos in half a year, depending on what you eat as an ordinary meal.
The level of shakes and how long you hold the course normally depends on the program you follow. See also below this article for possible programs that you can follow.

The pros and cons of shakes

The biggest advantage of losing weight with shakes or smoothies is that you do not have to count calories. It can also be a very pleasant way of losing weight. A known drawback is that most shakes can be very sweet. If you do not eat then and you only drink, then the whole diet is rather disappointing. So make sure that you also alternate your shakes sufficiently. You can do this for example by alternating the fruit smoothies with green smoothies , or alternating smoothies with dairy with shakes without yogurt or milk. Try to add proteins to the majority of the shakes because these proteins make you less hungry and you will reach your target weight faster.
Energy and movement
If you take three shakes a day and no ordinary meals, then your body first has to get used to it. The first few days you feel tired and listless. You have a slight hunger and you are not the most pleasant person in the house to say the least. It is comparable to the Detox diet. Do not sit on the couch during the course of the cure and think of food, but keep yourself busy.
It is also very important that you move sufficiently and get fresh air. For example, walk or cycle for half an hour every day. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Promise yourself that you will keep this going for six weeks. The reason you feel so tired and lethargic is that your body is used to having carbohydrates at your disposal to get energy out of it. After a few days, your body will switch to burning your excess fats and your energy will return. So the first few days are difficult. It is then important to simply continue with the shakes so that you actually lose weight.

Lose weight stops and now?

Keep in mind that somewhere in those six weeks the weight loss can  stagnate . Do not think that you should take fewer shakes as a result. Then you get a shortage of proteins, fluids, vitamins and minerals and you are dangerously busy if you do not eat anything else. If this stagnation point comes up you can easily become demotivated, but your body has taken a break and is accustomed to your new diet. The best thing you can do if weight loss does not work is to change your eating habits and move more - of course still healthy - and slowly start eating more solid food. Do some other exercise exercises than you are used to.

Reduce the shakes

Those six weeks are still full, but then comes the moment when you have to be as strict for yourself. During this period you have to make sure that your body slowly gets used to normal food. As stated above, after a few weeks you can best increase the part of solid food and proceed to fewer shakes per day. This ensures that you can get used to the period after the diet and keep your goal weight. Do not eat everything as you did before, because then you will arrive as soon as you have lost weight. For example, follow our tips for a healthy diet . And here too, a weight loss program can help you naturally.

Conclusion: losing weight with shakes and smoothies is possible

Yes, losing weight with shakes and keeping your weight off is possible as long as you keep to the conditions of the cure. Suddenly much less food does not always have the effect when you deviate from the plan. That is because your cells and thus your body need time to adapt to the new pattern. Your cells remember how much fat the fat cell contained before you started your diet. This "memory" strives to restore that level once you start eating normally again. This phenomenon is also known as the yo-yo effect. You can also prevent this by following a healthy diet after achieving your goal weight. Keep an eye on your weight. If you stay at the same weight for a year, you generally keep the previously surplus kilograms off.
Tip! Do you also want to lose weight with smoothies and shakes, then we can recommend a detox cure. Not only do they lose excess weight through juices, but at the same time you also cleanse your body of all kinds of toxins. For beginners, for example, the 7-day Detox is  an excellent starting point.
For more shake tips and recipes, read this article .



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