Remove Back pain in 7 days by Self-Treatment

How to Remove Back pain in 7 days by Self-Treatment 

If you do not have any pain, it is best to keep moving . 
The first few weeks it is not really necessary to be treated by a physiotherapist or manual therapist. They can help to motivate you to move and use the back well.

Usually the pain decreases after one to two weeks and disappears completely after one to two months . If the pain lasts longer than four to six weeks, an activating therapy with a physiotherapist or manual therapist may be useful. This is also the case with recurrent periods of low back pain.
Although treatments sometimes offer temporary relief, they can never guarantee that you will be finally relieved of back problems.

 Injections in joints and ligaments are not recommended. Epidural injections and wearing a corset will yield little. And after twelve weeks, physiotherapy no longer has any scientifically proven use. If you still have back pain, a  multidisciplinary treatment is  recommended. 

Medication does not accelerate healing, but it can ease the pain. If you need a painkiller , a drug based on paracetamol is the first choice. Read the package leaflet because you have to adhere to the prescribed dose and side effects may occur. You should not use painkillers for more than four weeks. 



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